When choosing a shed company there are a lot of options out there. Vinyl, Plastic, Metal, Or Wood. We only custom build wood sheds. Living in New England my whole life I am Influenced by the beauty of the Colonials, Victorians, Capes, and Gambrel style homes. These influences are seen in all of our shed designs.
All shed companies have their own building styles. The way they sell their sheds differ from one to another. Here is where Ponderosa Pines is different from the rest. You may request a quote on any of our shed models by calling us at 781.585.4472 you will speak directly with the owner of Ponderosa Pines Wood Products LLC.
Also when you purchase from Ponderosa Pines Wood Products LLC there is no sales tax. This equals a savings of sometimes hundreds of dollars over similar sheds offered by others in New England.
We take old fashioned Yankee pride in our workmanship, products, and custom designs. Our products are designed to last a lifetime – not a few seasons. Our goal is to build the most durable and highest quality sheds and utility buildings. Our reputation for service, quality, craftsmanship and excellence stands behind every shed we construct. Most of our competitors nail their clapboards just to the studding. We use a full 1 inch underlay board like they used to build the old colonial homes Scattered across New England for the last 300 years. There is no skimping on quality here.
Every piece of lumber is hand-picked, full dimensional, native pine. Our sheds are made with post and beam construction for a sturdiness that you can’t find anywhere else. Our floor and roof construction is made with full, one-inch, native pine planking. This is the strongest load bearing support structure in the industry. Our ramps are heavy duty pressure treated 2 x 6 construction. We use heavy duty galvanized hardware that can withstand years of weathering. We order all of our windows from a small family owned business in New Hampshire, whom manufacture our windows to our specifications.